The number of burglaries and cases of shoplifting still increases, what makes owners of stores take appropriate security measures for elimination or at least reduction of these kinds of crime. Store owners sometimes do not decide to invest in CCTV systems for financial reasons. However, the mere presence of video monitoring discourages potential thieves and provides a “security package” that other systems do not. The most important assumptions for the roles of CCTV systems in stores are:
Cameras are used not only for security reasons – they are a source of valuable information that can improve the work of the store. Built-in image analytic systems can count customers, analyze their behavior, or monitor the queue length. Cameras implementing artificial intelligence algorithms allow users to develop a customer profile with features such as gender, age or color of clothing. All data can be reported and subjected to further analysis.
From conversations with the owners of this type of facilities, it appears that after introducing monitoring systems, the number of thefts decreases significantly. Video monitoring also has an impact on employees to improve customer service and solve contentious issues with customers more easily.